We create powerful video productions for companies, agencies, and NGOs committed to protecting the planet and promoting social values. From concept to post-production, we deliver professional visual content that inspires action and drives impact. Based in Rome and Milan, we offer our services worldwide, with projects completed in 17 countries across the globe—bringing stories to life wherever they unfold.
Tailor-Made, Full-Service Video ProductioN
At Jungle Film, we turn your ideas into powerful visual stories, guiding every step of the process—from concept and filming to post-production and distribution. We deliver end-to-end solutions that blend innovation, quality, and meticulous attention to detail, bringing your vision to life.
Video Services Everything You Need for Your Production
Skilled operators and cutting-edge equipment, all in one fast and efficient service. We provide everything you need, when and where you need it. As trusted providers for Sky, the United Nations, RAI, Infront, and numerous production companies, we deliver professional solutions tailored to every project.
We have worked for many brands
Over the years, through direct supplies or collaborations with communication agencies, we have had the pleasure of offering our services to the following clients